When to buy a gundog puppy is a question with a simple answer, says David Tomlinson: now. There is no time like the present. Though if you had not had…
Old gundogs: an enjoyable old age
Gundog breeds are long-lived statistically speaking, but our time with them is still far too short, says David Tomlinson, as he considers the challenges and rewards of old gundogs. For…
Different gundog breeds: a break with tradition
We are inordinately conservative in choosing our canine companions but there are many different gundog breeds, says David Tomlinson. Would you ever consider breaking with tradition? Pick a puppy from…
Compulsory dog walking: laying down the law is barking
Should compulsory dog walking become law? Though a strong believer in the benefits of a daily walk, David Tomlinson argues that such legislation would be barking. Many use gundog whistles…
Family vets: a vet is for life
Few industries have changed as radically as the veterinary business has in the last twenty years. David Tomlinson bemoans the loss of smaller, private practices and family vets. For more…
Why are peg dogs no longer welcome in the line?
Today, guns that appear in the line with their own retriever is at best indulged – and at worst, vilified. But peg dogs were once a common sight in the…
The best beating dog: in the beating line
From rottweillers to poodles, David Tomlinson has encountered just about every breed of dog in the beating line. So which makes the best beating dog? He weighs up some of…
Winners of The Field Gundog Awards 2020 announced
Every type of gundog entered The Field Gundog Awards 2020, in association with Chudleys. Our two new categories celebrated both the invaluable old hands and the promising next generation. We…
In praise of show-bred gundogs
If you are after a good shooting dog, the simple rules of the gundog world stipulate you must buy a pup from working-bred stock. But have we been too quick…
Setters: a sight in heather
Setters are one of our oldest sporting gundog breeds and to shoot over them is widely regarded as the greatest sport in these islands. But now, competition on the Continent…