Retired gundogs

There is very little information and research about gundog retirement, which leading vet John Houlton is now attempting to change. If you have retired a working gundog, do take a…

Minority spaniels

Today you are more likely to see minority spaniels on the showbench than the shooting field, but they are part of our sporting heritage. Radical desicions need to be taken,…

The Field Gundog Awards 2019

Now in its third year, The Field Gundog Awards 2019, in association with Skinner’s Pet Food, is for proper gundogs working in the field – however brilliant or naughty. Judge…

Naughtiest gundog

Naughty gundogs add great entertainment to a shoot day, especially when they do not belong to you. Could your wicked companion win the Naughtiest Gundog in The Field Gundog Awards,…


Pickers-up are essential on shoot days and deserve the payments they receive, says David Tomlinson. And a sleek pack of labradors is not a requirement to join the team. For…

Gundog vaccinations

Gundog vaccinations are essential, but are annual boosters necessary? David Tomlinson considers what the titre test could teach us. For more on looking after your gundog’s health, bloat is uncommon…