Being kitted out correctly in the field isn’t simply about looking the part but also safety and comfort. Before taking a look at our pics for the best kit for…
Charlotte Mackaness

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Field Interview: Clare Balding
“I’m very keen on Portuguese water dogs, Boxers of course. Oh, and I love lurchers and whippets. And the Hungarian pumi is a rather fabulous herding dog but rare in…
Kit To Covert In January
January is all about fresh starts and beginning the New Year on the right footing. Before reading our guide to the best new sporting kit, be sure to take a…
Field Interview Vinnie Jones
“Around here, we’ve got various trusts looking after nature. Well this is the Vinnie Trust,” grins Vinnie Jones, arms stretched out towards the 150 acres of Sussex he calls home.…
Best Christmas Puddings
Before you settle down and enjoy our round-up of the best Christmas puddings, take a look at our other festive features including the best crackers, luxury advent calendars and countryside…
The Best Christmas Crackers
Before reading our guide to the best Christmas crackers, don’t forget to check out more fabulous festive content from The Field including our look at the best luxury advent calendars,…
Kit To Covert In December
December Kit To Covert is all about celebrating not just Christmas but also superb winter sport. You may also be interested in our guides to the best hampers, backgammon sets…
Best Hampers
There is a rich array of luxury hampers on the market to cater for every taste from cheese lovers and wine buffs to those who can’t resist anything chocolatey. Furthermore,…
Kit To Covert In November
Dark nights and the star of frosty mornings is something welcomed by country sports lovers: it means the season is in full swing. So, settle down and take a peak…
Best Presents For Dogs
Whether your dog is a working lab or working lap, spoiling them with something new is always fun. Our guide to the best presents for dogs offers a selection of…