London hunting

London hunting: the capital as a hunting box

Heading to the metropolis doesn’t mean having to do without riding to hounds. London hunting is tremendous fun, says Michael Clayton, as he recounts using the capital as a hunting…

Hunting in Ireland

Hunting in Ireland: touring three Irish packs

Hunting in Ireland is not for the faint hearted, with imposing walls, deep drains and double-banks. Will Cursham takes a tour of three Irish packs, and returns with great tales…

Riding caps

Riding caps: making modern safety traditional

Nowhere is tradition more important than in the hunting field. But how does this change when safety is at stake? Michael Clayton tells of the Quorn Hunt’s new initiative to…

Hunting newcomers

Hunting newcomers. An introduction to hunting

Newcomers’ weekends are not just a wonderful introduction to the sport for hunting newcomers, but they are also vital to safeguarding hunting’s future. The Masters of the Foxhounds Association are…

MFHA Bursary

MFHA Bursary Scheme: the huntsmen of tomorrow

Twenty years ago, the Masters of the Foxhounds Association questioned how the huntsmen of tomorrow would be found and then trained. Today, we have the MFHA Bursary Scheme to assist…

Foreign foxhounds

Foreign foxhounds: the English hound abroad

Foreign foxhounds still hunting live quarry across the world have more in common with our own hounds than we may think. The introduction of blood from English foxhounds has made…

Older horse riders

Badminton: older horse riders at the top

Older horse riders are set to dominate this year’s Badminton, as eventing continues to enjoy a trend strange in the sporting world: the competitiors are only getting better with age.…

Hunt visits

Hunt visits: packing in the visitors

Hunt visits are becoming ever more popular, and not just to provide sport when the hounds start coughing. With the challenge of different country, the opportunity to show off your…

Grand Nationals

Grand Nationals across the nations

Grand Nationals have swept across the nations since the first at Aintree in 1839. And all sporting eyes will turn towards Aintree this weekend as the oldest and most challenging…