Philippa Davis

American pancakes with bluberries, banana and cream

Pancakes aren’t just for Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day. They’re delicious all year round and American pancakes work particularly well if you’re wanting a heart breakfast. These from a recipe…

dublin coddle

Originally made to use up leftovers like bacon and root vegetables, as well as stretch rations, the Dublin Coddle dates back to the 1700s. It apparently gained popularity with housewives…

Roast turbot with chickpea stew

Roast turbot with chickpea stew is fish royalty, guaranteed to impress on 14 February. (Read more about Valentine’s Day and the best proposals in the field here.) (Find Mike Robinson’s…

venison meatloaf dish

Great British Game Week 2022 kicks off on 7 November and Philippa Davis has created three delicious venison dishes to enjoy. With its distinctive flavour, numerous health benefits and ethical…

I have always thought of elevenses as canapés’ slightly bigger, more boisterous cousin. They both need to look attractive, be packed full of flavour and must be easy to eat…

As you sit out watching the summer sun gradually descend in your garden, one may forgive you for thinking that a light meal would go down very well with the…

We should all eat what we shoot, so knowing how to barbecue game is an essential skill. Here is my useful guide which will show you how to prepare game…