I am slap bang in the middle of the seed-sowing season, that most hectic of times when the ‘windowsill’ propagator is packed with small pots, the staging in the greenhouse is filling up too quickly with seedlings in modules and trays, and I have begun sowing and planting outside in…

Narcissus among ivy

Are there just too many daffodils in the world? Every March, I ask myself this question as I drive down country lanes near my home in the Midlands. Here and there, the grass verges are punctured by clumps of shouty, yolk-yellow ‘Golden Harvest’, ‘Dutch Master’ or ‘King Alfred’ daffodils. These,…

Kale Dwarf Green Curled next to Kale 'Scarlet', Brassica oleracea

Kale is not only trendy, but remarkably simple to grow at home. Fuss-free and hardy, it will survive late frosts, grow back again and again and generally demand very little attention. Follow Willy Newland’s advice on how to grow kale. Kale works excellently with game. Try our pheasant, curly kale…