We have a basic variety of mint in our garden and want to add different varieties to create an area with a wonderful aroma of mint. What others are there…

A local cat has been breaking into our house by squeezing through any window we leave open, no matter how small the gap. Though we have virtually cured this problem,…

Having retired last summer I have impressed my wife with my skills at hunter-gathering. The freezer is respectably full of pheasants and the odd brace of partridges, plus a large…

I have found some recipes for mead but they seem to vary enormously and are rather complicated. Have you a simple one?

I am trying to find the origin and meaning of the toast "Here's mud in your eye." I have been to a few parties where this toast has been used…

Over the past months we have shot 20 grey squirrels as they have been causing extensive damage to our young sycamores and beeches. Yet other squirrels just come and take…

My house sits in the middle of a farm surrounded by forestry. We love to see the wildlife in our garden but are unable to have flower beds as the…

There are stirrings in the hedgerows as the peak season for first pheasant and then partridge hatching gets under way. With this comes the biggest dilemma in low-ground wild game…