The Christmas shopping panic can cease. The Field‘s Christmas gift guide for men has it in the bag, with everything from gilets and journals to cufflinks and caps. Be sure…
The Field
Sporting Diana: Georgina Preston
Growing up, I was fortunate to own a pony and have patient parents who were prepared to take me to Pony Club without burdening me by being overly competitive. While…
Luxury Advent Calendars
In the last decade or so the prettily illustrated Advent calendar most remember from childhood – many with a Nativity scene or perhaps featuring snowy reindeer – has had an…
The Fife Bloodhounds
In a countryside under pressure from a sharp focus on farming, its relationship with the environment and biodiversity, and changing attitudes towards the way we use animals, the ability for…
The GWCT Partridge Count Scheme
My father remembers wild grey partridges regularly bursting from cover and spooking his horse as he hacked home from days with the Hampshire hunt in the early 1960s. I’m sure…
October 2023
The October issue of The Field sees the season underway with a bang and brimming with carefully curated, exclusive content and sporting articles. We’re on the peg with reports from…
Best properties with walled gardens
From 16th century homes to magnificent manors these properties all have something in common: beautiful walled gardens BEST PROPERTIES WITH WALLED GARDENS GLEBE HOUSE PYRFORD, WOKING, SURREY This is a…
Tea and its origins
The English are not the world’s greatest tea drinkers. This came as something of a surprise to me, having grown up in a house where tea was mainlined from morning…
The top 10 best pheasant recipes
The Field's top 10 best pheasant recipes will ensure your brace never bores on the plate
The folly of follies
What is a folly? At times it seems as though there are as many definitions as there are follies themselves. The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as: ‘A costly ornamental…