Teaching your gun dog to sit, stay and drop isn't as easy as the professionals make it out to be.
Janet Menzies
Archibald Thorburn, sporting artist
Iconic sporting artist Archibald Thorburn neglected scientific accuracy in his paintings to breath life into his subjects. It was an unprecedented departure from the previous generation of artists. And today,…
Gundog behaviour: top 10 gundog crimes
Bad gundog behaviour is not difficult to solve, but some adjustments to your training might be required. Janet Menzies charts the top 10 gundog crimes – and how to fix…
Nick Orr, sporting artist
The work of Nick Orr encourages us to see familiar scenes in an entirely new way – a whole day’s shooting in a single feather for example, as Janet Menzies…
Things named after Queen Elizabeth II
From ocean liners to aircraft carriers, national parks, islands and a substantial chunk of Antarctica, things named after Queen Elizabeth II are not hard to come by – and not…
The great equestrian artists
The great equestrian artists have aimed to capture the colour, glamour and excitement of their world since the very beginning. It may be considered bottom of the hierarchy, but equestrian…
The best gundog: how to choose the ideal shooting companion
Choosing the best gundog for you is a tricky business, with thirty-eight recognised breeds by the Kennel Club from which to take your pick. Labrador or spaniel? Traditional or rare…
James Wild, sporting artist
Having happened upon sculpture as a medium and scrap metal as a material by chance, James Wild uses both to tell the stories of animals in the world today, as…
Tod Ramos, sporting artist
Growing up in the racehorse training mecca of Lewes, Tod Ramos had his first commission aged 11. Having developed his sporting art alongside a career in race riding, he is…
John Frederick Herring Snr, sporting artist
As popular today as in the mid-19th century, John Frederick Herring Snr began painting pub signs and coaches and became a popular genre artist, says Janet Menzies. For more sporting…