The Field

I read that Sir John Mortimer has a glass of champagne a day and describes it as “penicillin for the soul”. What a wonderful idea. As I’d only have a…

A targeted culling of badgers will go ahead in an attempt to halt the spread of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in the worst affected parts of Wales.

In the almost impenetrable waters of a hidden gravel pit there be monster pike capable of towing a boat. Can fly-fisherman Charles Rangeley-Wilson harness one or will he have to…

It takes just one bird to scare off a thousand others. From Humberside to Trafalgar Square, hawks and falcons are clearing vermin and making money.

With grey partridge numbers in decline and the loss of set-aside habitat, could the species be removed from the quarry list? If so, the consequences would be dire for redlegs…

These are the best shots in Britain today (and, given our pre-eminence in driven game-shooting, possibly the world).

The London Olympics in 2012 have sparked controversy over plans to spend £18 million on a temporary shooting facility.